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FLO-TOP is a free flowing, self-leveling, compound specially designed for easy application over concrete floors as an underlayment for subsequent placement of floor coverings. It is suitable for use as a repair and leveling course and my be applied at thicknesses from featheredge to 1" (25 mm). FLO-TOP is a one part system requiring only the addition of water for mixing.


  • Flowable consistency for self-leveling application

  • Pumpable through standard equipment

  • Self-leveling for smooth, flat floors

  • Exceptional coverage rate for maximum yield and value

  • Minimal shrinkage for outstanding resistance to cracking

  • High early strength for early turnaround

  • Excellent bond strength for a composite floor section


  • Interior sound concrete sub-surface

  • Unlevel floors

  • Repair of old, worn concrete

  • Wood floors

  • Old floors with cut back adhesive

Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this product information. However, Marbri does not make any claim on the accuracy of the information provided. For up to date specifications and product information, please visit this supplier's website.

To order this product, please contact us.