

Masterflow 1341 is specially formulated to produce a pumpable thixotropic grout. It has no settlement shrinkage, extended working time, especially in vertical duct placements or configurations with a steep vertical rise. It is bleed resistant for horizontal, inclined, and vertical tendon configurations.

Masterflow 1341 meets all compressive strength and Vertical Height Change requirements of CRD C 621 and ASTM C 1107 at a thixotropic consistency and complies with Recommendations of the PTI Duct Grouting Guide Specification for Grouting of Post Tensioned Structures with vertical rises of 6 - 100 ft (1.8 - 30 m) or slightly more.Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this product information. However, Marbri does not make any claim on the accuracy of the information provided. For up to date specifications and product information, please visit this supplier's website.

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